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The main emphasis of this book is reining in butterflies and moths, to retain them so they will remain and reproduce and rear their young in your realm or area.  The area could be your yard, a park, a farm, any area, and any size from a postage stamp up to several hundred acres.  You can apply our recommendations to any area from the heart of a city to a subdivision to a wide-open countryside.  Our emphasis is on gardening for Lepidopterans and not identification.  Included are charts/tables that will allow you to make your space(s) very attractive to butterflies and/or moths.  It is available in both printed and ebook format with the main purpose of the ebook is to allow you to perform computer searches.  We do offer suggestions on available sources for identification.  We opted to not include color photographs as it would make the book more expensive and there are many, many color photographs of Lepidopterans especially butterflies available on the internet and in other books.  This reference is very useful in the Gulf South from deep south Texas thru that state and eastward to the Carolinas.  It is also applicable throughout most of the central and eastern United States.

Gardening for Butterflies & Moths


    2019 by Allen Acres Bed and Breakfast

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