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 If you want to learn to recognize many of the herbaceous plants, trees, shrubs, vines, graminoids, and ferns, this is the workshop for you.  The workshop will include fieldtrips, where you can see the plants in their natural environment as well as labeled specimens in a lab setting.  Additional info on plant identification will be presented thru power-point presentations and printed handouts.  You will be given BRF’s (Best Recognizing Features) for each plant with lots of emphasis on bark plus other facts like use, edibility etc.  You are encouraged to photograph, take notes, ask questions, and take specimens with you.  During the three day workshop, you will be exposed to more than 200 species of herbaceous plants, trees, shrubs, and vines, graminoids, and ferns.


Basic Plant ID Class

dates available
  • You may register for one or two (either) day(s) only at $100 per day. Contact Us

  • Lodging is not included.  We can offer luxury accommodations at a discounted rate in Allen Acres B and B for $80 per night or camping at $30 per night.  Contact us at 337-328-2252

2019 by Allen Acres Bed and Breakfast

Call us now to book:

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