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Pinus glabra


Spruce pine (Pinus glabra) is also known as White Pine, Cedar Pine, and Walter’s Pine. The cones resemble those of Shortleaf Pine somewhat, but are more globose, often smoother, and the prickles are minute and weak. It grows rapidly reaches a height of 120 ft. The bark is much smoother than that of most pines and may even resemble that of an oak. It is pale gray on young trees to almost black on the older specimens. The dark brownish bark of large trees is divided into narrow ridges and shallow furrows. The branches are smooth. The needles occur in clusters of 2 and twisted, dark bluish green, and 1.5-4" long. The staminate cones are 0.25" long, clustered, and yellow. The pistillate cones are raised on slightly ascending peduncles. The shiny brown, seed cones vary from egg shaped to oblong, in clusters of 2-3, and measure 1-2.5" long and 2" wide. They remain on the tree for many years and turn gray with age. The wood is light brown with thick pale sapwood, close-grained, not strong, soft, and brittle. The original distribution was along streams (FACW) in southeastern Louisiana from the Mississippi River eastward. It has been planted in some locations west of the Mississippi River. The brf’s for me are the two in a bundle twisted dark green short needles and the smooth-ish hardwood looking bark. Could not run outside and get new pictures, these were taken a few years ago in St Helena Parish.

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