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Campsis radicans
Trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) is a native woody vine in the - Bignoniaceae. It is also known as Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Ash, Trumpet Flower, Devil's Shoestring, Fox Glove Vine, and Cow Itch Vine. Trumpet creeper is the state flower of Kentucky. This common, deciduous, high-climbing, and widespread vine climbs trees or travels on the ground in moist woods and thickets and also lives on poles and fencerows. It is a vine that climbs by aerial roots. The leaves are opposite and odd-pinnate compound. The 7 to 15 egg-shaped leaflets are 8-15" long and serrate. The large trumpet-shaped flowers are orange red, 3-4" long, and have 5 flared or slightly backward bent lobes and appear from May to September. They mature into a persistent, large pod, 2-6" long, tapered on both ends, which upon maturity split along 2 ridges to release the many thin winged seeds, and appear from July to December. Trumpet Creeper furnishes deer browse mainly in the spring and summer. Hummingbirds visit the flowers. The roots cause sweating and are used for healing wounds. Some people are reported to have a reaction to it like poison ivy hence name Cow Itch Vine. Trumpet Creeper is widely distributed in Louisiana and is reported from all 64 parishes. A few plants on Allen Acres and lots nearby. Caterpillars of five moth species are reported to eat this vine including Fall Webworm Moth, White-marked Tussock Moth, Plebeian sphinx, Grapevine Epimenis, and of course Trumpet Vine Moth. Sometimes mixed up with pepper vine (Ampelopsis arborea) which has alternate 2-pinnate compound leaves and climbs by tendrils or sprawls.